try { } catch (e) { } var usertype_rollovers=new Array();usertype_rollovers['basic']='Can see only those files and folders which you allow. Cannot grant permissions to other people.';usertype_rollovers['limited']='Full site access with limited authority which you can edit.';usertype_rollovers['admin']='Full site access and can manage files, folders, people and sharing.'; var _new_upload_rnd=0; var _new_folder_rnd=0; function loadJFTP(folderid,rnd,type) { _new_upload_rnd = rnd; _new_folder_rnd=folderid; var objectDefinition = ''; if (type == 'u') { /* * objectDefinition = ''; */ objectDefinition = '
'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; //objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; //objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '\'Get'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '
Your browser might not support Silverlight. If this is the case, please switch to the File Browser...thank you.
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; }else{ //objectDefinition = ''; objectDefinition = '
'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; //objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; // objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '\'Get'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '
Your browser might not support Silverlight. If this is the case, please switch to the File Browser...thank you.
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; } document.getElementById('applet-upload'+rnd).innerHTML = objectDefinition; document.getElementById('ultimateUploaderHost'),, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } ); //assign_ultimateupload(); //setTimeout(function(){onSilverlightLoaded();},300); } function loadDNSJFTP(folderid,rnd) { _new_upload_rnd = rnd; //var objectDefinition = ''; var objectDefinition=''; objectDefinition += '
'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; //objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '\'Get'; objectDefinition+= ''; objectDefinition+= '
Your browser might not support Silverlight. If this is the case, please switch to the File Browser...thank you.
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; objectDefinition+= '
'; document.getElementById('dnsUpldr').innerHTML = objectDefinition; document.getElementById('ultimateUploaderHost'),, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } ); assign_ultimateupload(); //setTimeout(function(){onSilverlightLoaded();},300); } function check_email(e) { ok = "1234567890qwertyuiop[]asdfghjklzxcvbnm.@-_QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; for(i=0; i < e.length ;i++){ if(ok.indexOf(e.charAt(i))<0){ return (false); } } if (document.images) { re = /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(^\.)|(^@)|(@$)|(\.$)|(@\.)/; re_two = /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; if (!e.match(re) && e.match(re_two)) { return (-1); } } } function toggleDNSUpldr() { var show = false; var val = document.getElementById('dnsTo').value; var tmp = val.split(','); for (ii = 0; ii < tmp.length; ii++) { if (check_email(tmp[ii])) { show = true; } } if (show) { document.getElementById('dnsModal_content').style.height = '450px'; document.getElementById('dnsUpldr').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('dnsUpldr').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('dnsModal_content').style.height = '250px'; } } function processUpload(ev) { eval(ev); } var _SILVERLIGHT_LOAD_COUNTER=0; function onSilverlightLoaded() { if (document.getElementById("ultimateUploader") == 'undefined'||document.getElementById("ultimateUploader") == null ) { _SILVERLIGHT_LOAD_COUNTER++; if(_SILVERLIGHT_LOAD_COUNT>10){ alert("There was an error loading the uploader. Please refresh your session and try again.") }else{ onSilverlightLoaded(); } }else { uploadController_uploader = document.getElementById("ultimateUploader").Content.JSAPI; //uploadController_uploader.UploadStarted = StartHandler_upload; uploadController_uploader.UploadCompleted = CompleteHandler_upload; //uploadController_uploader.UploadCancelled = CancelHandler_upload; //uploadController_uploader.UploadPaused = PauseHandler_upload; //uploadController_uploader.UploadFileStarted = StartFileHandler_upload; uploadController_uploader.UploadFileCompleted = CompleteFileHandler_upload; uploadController_uploader.FilesAdd = FilesAdded; updateParameters_upload(); setInterval("updateCounters_upload()", 200); linksArray_uploader = new Array(); _SILVERLIGHT_LOAD_COUNTER=0; } } function FilesAdded(sender, args) { var re = /[?<>*/\|"']/g; var afiles = args.Files; for (var i = 0; i < afiles.length; i++) { if(afiles[i].FileName.match(re)){ alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the special characters ? < > * / \ | " \' is not allowed.'); //sndReq('a=file_upload_specchar_warning'); document.getElementById("ultimateUploader").Content.JSAPI.RemoveFile(afiles[i].Id); } } } //unction StartHandler_upload() { // // } // // function CancelHandler_upload() { // // } // // function PauseHandler_upload() { // // } // function CompleteHandler_upload() { // alert(linksArray_uploader); //alert("LOG FOLDER:"+_new_upload_rnd); sndReq("a=test_upload_process&dir="+_new_upload_rnd+"&fid="+_new_folder_rnd); } // function StartFileHandler_upload() { // var re = /[?<>*/\|"']/g; /* var afiles = fileName; if(afiles.match(re)){ alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the special characters ? < > * / \ | " \' is not allowed.'); document.getElementById("ultimateUploader").Content.JSAPI.StopUpload(); } */ // } function CompleteFileHandler_upload(sender, args) { linksArray_uploader.push(args.FileName); } function showTotal_upload() { // } function AddValueToLog_upload(s) { // } function updateCounters_upload() { // } function updateParameters_upload() { // } var uploadController_uploader; var linksArray_uploader = new Array(); var uploadPath_uploader = "/upload/";